Thursday, July 21, 2005

Things That Are New

Town: stores, restaurants
Apartment: neighbors, address, smell, geeses (and their feeses)
Job: supervisor, fellow employees, working hours (no more 20 hr. work wks)
Phone: games, rings, loudspeaker-deb I'd like to try a convo. w/ both of our loudspeakers on while driving-sounds like a good idea.
Entertainment: cable, high-speed wireless internet (hopefully soon), watering plants, buying milk


Blogger The Becca Machine said...

id like u to explain to me how buying milk is a form of entertainment. sounds pretty damn interesting

Fri Jul 22, 11:12:00 AM CDT

Blogger Hillabean said...

well it isn't interesting it's 3 d@M# dollars a gallon!

Fri Jul 22, 05:33:00 PM CDT


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