Monday, January 09, 2006

Christmas is Over!

Phewww finally got the stupid last post to work. So I got rid of my Christmas tree. It was quite and ordeal getting it out of my balcony door to the ground below while trying to avoid my neighbor's patio. Deb was a HUGE help I might add ;)

I'm so glad you stopped by though Deb was a great excuse to treat myself to some full on Chinese buffet binging.

Hmm, I think I need to go a head and trust myself to own a credit card again but not use it for day to day things. I am finding many things that come up where a credit card is IPASS auto renewal for one. Have you ever tried using the Account Manager online...not handy. Well now time for bed.


Blogger The Becca Machine said...

i cant believe u dont have a credit card. how do u survive?

Tue Jan 10, 12:10:00 AM CST

Blogger Deb said...

sorry i wasn't helping... the 2 hour commute wasnt fun. plus, all the other things.

credit card, yes you should have one. especially for instances such as ur tires.

Tue Jan 10, 12:17:00 PM CST

Blogger Hillabean said...

Awe!!!! I like your photo becca

It isn't too bad since I have my debit card.

And again, yes I was just kidding about you not helping w/ the tree. It was honestly funnier doing it myself. And ACTUALLY, you did help me manuever it over the balcony.

Tue Jan 10, 06:30:00 PM CST


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