Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Lucky Duck

This morning on the way to work I saw a dead cat in the road. It was kinda gross kinda sad, but not too unusual. Well then I turned the corner and there was a dead duck in the road!!

Also, I'd like to contribute to the detached finger stories. Did anybody read the frontpage story today "Gurnee man wants his finger back"? A man had his finger in the pocket of his leather jacket at Mojo's last Tues and somebody stole it-let's back up. Last June this man got his finger ripped off at a rugby party-jules beware-and had a friend seal it w/ epoxy. "It's pretty well preserved" he (Charlie Mullen) said. He had brought it w/ him to show people and hopes to get it back for sentimental reasons.

Penguins in the Funnies

So there is this guy that has been writing comics about Pokey the Penguin since 1998. They are weird. My favorites are Chicken Delicious is a Bad Influence and Pokey in Ancient Scotland.

Three Great Reasons to Visit Metroplis

Metropolis Illinois has asked the epa to help clean up some kryptonite (along w/ other hazardous materials). I hope I get to visit the site before I leave my job.
In addition to the Original Burger King in Mattoon, IL offers many wonders of the world. Visitors of Metropolis should consider checking out the superman museum, the brownfields site, town square with the superman statue, and the Big John Grocery Store. Illinois has 3 of the 4 remaining BJ statues intact!

Monday, March 28, 2005

De pinguïn

Sexual Dimorphism
1 . Generally, penguins are not sexually dimorphic; males and females look alike. Crested penguins are exceptions: the males are more robust and have larger bills.
2. During the breeding season, female penguins are sometimes identifiable by muddy footprints on their backs, left by males during mating activity.

Me and MY Viajes

Ever since I saw the commercial w/ the guy making fun of hybrids, saying they get passed by mopeds, I'd been meaning to post a response but kept forgetting to check how many cylinders my car has inorder to support my arguement. Well it has four-not a beast but I think pretty comparable to most cars (not mopeds) on the road. Since seeing this commercial I have heard claims that the electric battery gives my car even more power then the average 4 cylinder. I have not done research to verify-cause I don't care how fast my car can pass you-especially since I can see exactly-or as exact as Japanese technology can get- how much gas I am consuming inorder to accelerate from 0-50 in 5 seconds at the light. If you see me going 55 on the highway-at one of those rare times when I am ahead of schedule-it is not because my car doesn't have the power to go faster, it is merely for the extra 5-7 miles a gallon extra I will get if I accelerate at my own moderate pace. Even when you are getting over 45 miles per gallon, having the gasometer visible makes you greedy for every little 1/8 of a tank. Every car should have a gauge next to the other gauges to show how many miles the car is getting per gallon (do they already have this on all cars?).

Sunday, March 27, 2005


This week I am going to learn one knew thing about Penguins each day. Today I not only learned that there are no penguins in Alaska, I lost a 6pk in the process. Never make a bet w/ a 2nd grade teacher w/o knowing what their most current unit covered.

Friday, March 25, 2005

On Break

I just took my Facilitating quiz for my internship class. I am glad I didn't waste anymore then 2 hours studying for this thing it was matching, t/f, short answer. Really easy. Yesturday mindy told me that a drunk guy came into her store wanting a $2 loan!! How funny. He said he wanted it so he could drink some beer while watching the game. Go Illini Go! So today is filled with activity for me. When we get out of class I plan on getting an oil change and tire rotation, exchanging my hat for the last time, work out, and clean my fish tank~it has a strong green hue as I have not cleaned it since probably this time last year.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Forest Gump Was Wrong

Life is Like an Hour Glass Glued to The Table

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Buck, The Beer With Bite!

It's a little blurry but I think you get the idea.

Aah It's been soo long since I've put pictures up. Partly due to deb holding my camera hostage while trying to figure out how to get the bday video before I deleted it. Sadly enough, I don't know how to send video to my blog page :(

Northenders Rock

I don't know if deb has already mentioned her idea about the northend pub crawl but here is an rough sketch idea for the front graphic of the tees that will be worn by all participants (if all goes as planned). If anyone has any suggestions please let deb know. I thought a 4o oz. can in a paper bag would be the perfect icon...I wanted the label to be similar to a common WT beer hence the Buck Beer name (stag)

In other news, apparently I had worked 17 hours at the Ltd that I had completely forgotten about and never got paid for, I got a check in the mail today for over $100 dollars from work back in January! That was a nice little wed surprise.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Wasted Night Due To Dial Up

I hate nights when high hopes of task completion turn into watching tv and getting my gmail account created. I didn't even get any new pictures posted.
I forgot to mention something spectacular from this weekend. I caught a show on the Nat. Geographic channel called In The Womb. It was the coolest thing ever and only had a couple gross parts. Did you know that coffee makes sperm more active/potent and warm baths does the opposite? Also, Dr.'s can do surgeries on fetuses.

I'm sorry, but Lite and Bud Light fighting over taste reminds me of a story I heard once about "actors" Bob (Gilligan) Denver and George (Goober from "The Andy Griffith Show") Lindsey getting into an actual fist-fight in the late 1960s over which was the better actor.


Google, you're the best! So, I was curious...."The goals of the Water for Life decade are aimed at having “a greater focus on water-related issues, while striving to ensure the participation of women in water-related development efforts." Now that that's figured out.

Boy last night was rough! I'm referring to my acct. class that got out at 10pm-not that it's not the best class ever-but after sitting and listening to presentations for almost 4 hours, being myself, one of the presenters, and actually putting in a full 7 1/2 hours at work earlier that day-a person is ready to go home!! I am about 2 papers, 2 group projects and presentations, and 6 exams away from graduation!! I just realized today that Cinco de Mayo is the day after my last class proj. and two days before graduation! How perfecto!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Learning is like a box of chocolates

Ok, things I've learned in the last few days

1) Sometimes when they say "We just put in new bulbs" they are actually telling the truth-and burnt armpits are NO fun

2) Next time you are trying to return a hat that has had the tag removed and replaced (in a makeshift way), do so earlier then 2 months after purchase...will save time, embarassment, and suspision-Go Phillies!!

3) Has anyone heard of G-mail? The email service through google? Well I had but I didn't know you had to be invited by someone in order to use it??? This is true?? Also, one of the things that makes it so cool is that you can easily send songs to people w/ it! Cool even more so for people w/ ipods and PDA's and flash drives but still cool for other people in the music listening world

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Feliz Cumpleanos To Me!

So another year bites the dust. Another 365 1/4 (give or take) days down the crapper. One year closer to false teeth, no metabolism, and monthly permanents. That is how I felt last year at this time but 24 feels different. One year closer to moving out, finding a job that pays more then $800 a month, NO MORE SCHOOL, and closer to retirement! Thanks to everyone who left bday voicemails (some more on key then others) and emails for making my bday super.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Gimme a Quote!

20 questions

I got a new game!

Here are some hints. The computer guessed it, can you?

It's not an animal, vegtable, or mineral
you hold it when you use it
it isn't used in travel
it rolls
it isn't used in a sport
you can open it
it doesn't break if you drop it
it can't fit in an envelope
it's sometimes shiny
you wouldn't find it on a farm
it's sometimes colorful
it was used 100 years ago
it's sometimes made of metal
it is a common household object
it can be washed
it comes in a pack
it sometimes helps accomplish tasks
it sometimes comes in a box
it does go in other things
it sometimes gets wet
you wouldn't find it in an office
some people would use it daily
it could be painted
it does contain a liquid

yeah this is more then 20 questions...the game's first guess was wrong.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Thank you CMT

So redneck woman is kinda fun to sing along to but I'm over it and I never really thought too much of Gretchen Wilson. I assumed she was another Dixie Chick/Sha-Daisy look alike that was pretending to be trashy. I thought for sure she was lying and really did like champaigne and wouldn't be caught dead w/ her christmas lights up after Feb.

Well, I saw some of a behind the music on Gretchen and I now respect her for the white trash she really is. After dropping out of the 8th grade she became a bouncer at some bar in Southern IL called Big O's-the owner now has another bar called Who's Your Daddy-I think we should check it out. She said she believes everyone in her fam. is an alchoholic, including her, and she talked about how she, her bro, and mom moved from trailer to trailer when she was little. Makes me happy she can buy all the long necks and chew she wants now.

p.b. HEY! It's international Woman's Day today...check out google's home page. (wo)Man, google keeps me so connected to the important things in life.

Monday, March 07, 2005


3 1/2 stars out of 10. I don't know if it was the exhaustion of doing homework all weekend or if it was simply a bad movie, but the only thing keeping me in my seat was the drunk grandma. Aside from that and a couple of other funny parts it consisted of bad acting, bad writing, and a weird ending. Still better then Punch Drunk Love though. Favorite part: when gma is giving her phsyco daughter advice about not going out to bang the real estate agent.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Not That There's Anything Wrong With That....

...if that's what you are.

Ok my take on the night. We didn't feel like going "OUT"-out so Deb and I decided just to stop by the good ol' Sandbar for a drink-to feel like we at least accomplished something. I met her there at ~8. Sonia was behind the bar donning an "I (heart) BOOZE" tee and had apparently been displaying her fondness of the juice for quite some time before we arrived. After a few "diet and rums" made Sonia Style, and a couple complimentary shots, another girl who apparently works there started talking to us. The conversation included her interest in setting one of us up w/ her 'awesome' cousin, asking us if we could agree to be a sub in a soccer game tonight at soccer world, and also inviting us to a drink with them at parkway pub after they closed up-requesting our numbers about 10 times throughout the whole dialogue. Shortly after that another customer that had been mumbling about how her husband-who was also at the bar-was most likely not going to be faithful to her that night since he was the only male in the company of 5 drunk women-if you didn't already assume, this man was about as irresistable as a shirtless al roker eating a fried chili cheese dog on a humid afternoon. But apparently love is blind and she just KNEW we'd want him. (deb I don't think you noticed her saying this-selective hearing) Weeell as I was saying, this lady-in no sense of the word-tottered her way over and tried her best to talk to deb and I. I was trying MY best to be preoccupied with counting the floating dust molecules in the opposite direction of her skanky breath, occasionally nodding to whatever was coming out of her mouth(selective hearing strikes again). FINALLY after a few moments Deb confusedly/mortifiedly exclaimed "Hillary, she thinks we're together!" We find ourselves turning to Sonia to assure this woman we are not. Luckily Sonia stopped showing the guy her red burn marks on her @$$ from tanning earlier to come over and testify to our straightness.

After a little more clarification the girl and the skank started dancing on the other side of the bar. The husband asked our ages, I said I was 38 deb said she was 15 and we were out the door. The get away was halted due to our hesitation at my car to discuss how disturbing these people were-the girl came out to ask what happened and why we ran out. We composed and acted like nothing was wrong. She mentioned it was Penny's bday and she had a card in her truck so we did the only logical thing and went over to sign a happy bday message to our favorite bartender Penny. Before our escape the girl continued to ask for our numbers saying she wanted to give them to her cousin, and then mentioned he had a girlfriend-"but not really" and that she herself wished he wasn't her cousin so she could date him. I don't think either of us knew what to do with this. I feel we did not make the right decision-give wrong numbers and never go there again would probably have been "the better choice"!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Deb you're weird

Subway makes awesome peanut butter cookies.

Thursday Quote Time, Bleh...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Best Song On Earth

So I've decided that Escape is THE BEST song on Earth. Even in the non-lyrical muzac version the poetic beauty shines through. Deb can you please download it ASAP.

Looks like I'm 1 for 4 w/ successful correspondance to big wigs (1 for 5 if you include Budweiser). I recently sent an email of opposition to drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve to Senators Durbin and Obama, Rep Shimkus, and the White House. I got replies from Durbin and Shimkus. Durbin is a friend of the muskoxen but Shimkus said that inorder to supply the amounts of oil required by the US's no. 1 selling vehicles (SUV's) drilling in the ANWP is necessary-heartbreakingly so, there are no alternatives. He compared drilling in the arctic to building a small airport in South Carolina. I was going to link this to the email mesasge but couldn't figure out how to do that w/o having my whole email account accessible to all fellow bloggers.

Hammer Time

Today started out GREAT! What day wouldn't be brightened by hearing "Can't Touch This" first thing on your way to work. Already though the excitement has worn off and I find myself wishing I would've had headphones pumping the sweet hammer into my head blocking out reality. "Oh the trials of being a girl!"~Deb