So recently I have been TRYING my best to look for a job but that is hard to do when you know you have enough money in the bank to last at least a month and there are so many other things to do especially w/ the nice weather!!!!! UGH TORTURE! Deb you know how I would often times keep myself behind closed doors instead of going out cause I had papers, reports, school work to do...and yet I wouldn't get it done I would still find something at home to keep me occupied instead of completing the work so I should've just gone ahead and gone out?? Well that is my problem now. I am not taking FULL advantage of unemployment! And that pisses me off. If I either went full force into the job search or put out 100% effort into enjoying my time off I would be happy.
In other news. This past weekend was pretty great w/ the cubs game. I AM A ***CHICAGO*** FAN! SOX, CUBBIES, BULLS, BEARS, RED WINGS....AND YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM!! Cubs win. There is nothing better then walking up and down the streets of wrigleyville buzzed on a gorgeous sunny afternoon after a victory! It is one of the greatest things, I would bet money on it. It is also great to yell GOO CUBBIES to people waiting in line for bars the evening of a win. Try it, you feel like a hero when replied w/ bouts of HOORAHS. After the game quali, bake, brett (brett brown, kid from IC) walked back to Bylina's (nother IC). He lives about 2 blocks south of the field. His apt. was pretty cool. The keg was done by 6 so Bake and a couple others went to get another. She and I took off for the bars before 9:30. I skipped quite a few things but this is getting long. (I will say that we still do NOT have tattoos though)
We were at the bar (pretty wasted) before 10 while everyone else there was probably on their second drink. It was great. They were having one of those free beer parties till 10:30 so we had still MORE free beer and no cover. I told jules I felt like an 8 yr. old at a wedding. Dancing up a storm and I didn't care WHO thought WHAT of it. We had an early night. In bed by 11:30 so the next day we felt great. Went for a bike ride and then I made pb, choc, oatmeal no bake cookies which turned into pb-oatmeal when I couldn't find the cocoa....found it right after I finished them...HEY BACCA!!! So what about beerfest?? I couldn't find anything on the web about it??!!! I want to come visit and I want to go to beerfest...2 birds with 1 stone.
as i have already mentioned several previous times i have no idea when beerfest is. i also got onto pinch's site to see if i could find out and had no luck. i apologize. deb would be the one to ask b/c she's actually gone to it in the past. i'll let u know if i ever hear about it
Mon Apr 17, 11:28:00 PM CDT
Ha! Whatever...I was just trying to state the fact that I am a 100% fan of the state's capital...chicago.
Tue Apr 25, 11:57:00 AM CDT
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