Saturday, March 04, 2006

DAY 8: Addiction-Free Day

Oh what the heck? I can't believe this fell on a sat. Well I for one am not going to be able to fulfill this
activity today so I won't hold it against anyone that postpones this one for tomorrow.

Your body is your temple. Cut out addictive substances for the day and see how much purer you feel.

This includes (but not limited to): alchohol, sleeping pills, all other drugs, coffee, Chinese food, and cigarettes.

SPECIAL TIP FOR ANY BOOK OWNERS ADDICTED TO CRACK COCAINE: You may not feel purer immediately. Stick at this one for at least a couple of months to see the full lifestyle benefits.


Blogger Deb said...

dude, i'm not sure i could do that any day. whats with the chinese food?

Sat Mar 04, 02:35:00 PM CST

Blogger The Becca Machine said...

chinese food has msg in it-an addictive and bad for u something or other that is known to cause headaches. but its just so good

Sat Mar 04, 09:16:00 PM CST


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