Friday, February 24, 2006

Day 3

Today throw something away that you like.

Ok "like" and "love" two different things so don't be too harsh when deciding. I'm not going to have much access to a computer the next couple days so this is early. You have an extra day to decide what to throw away.

I already decided: the paper nativity scene Josh made for me. I even tore it up so I wouldn't dig it out of the trash later. I really liked it, best construction paper nativity I've seen. But it was long can you keep construction paper that only sits out 2 months of the year? And then by the time it starts looking really ratty and too awful to even display anymore you can't throw it away now cause there's too much sentiment invested in it. "I can't throw it away, Josh made it for me and I've kept it for the past three years." By then you're stuck hanging on to it until you are buried. Oh now I'm kinda sad. Maybe I should've picked something else. :(


Blogger Deb said...

This is perfect for me. I am a pack rat and the sentimental thing really gets me. i have a bunch of crap from when i was 10 that is completely useless and really means nothing to me. Why do i keep this stuff???

Tue Feb 28, 05:08:00 PM CST


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