Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Practical One

I think it is really funny that deb often calls me when trying to be talked out of an expensive unnecessary purchase. Today it was a blazer. Luckily she couldn't decide on the white one or the chocolate one. Aaah the trials and tribulations of a downtown dwelling shop-o-holic dealing with insufficient funds. I would have to say that deb is INDEED addicted to shopping. Not just ordinary shopping-but making extremely large purchases on rather spontaneous impulse. I might qualify her as a closet addict as the casual acquaintance might not pick up on it from her usual attire of tees and jeans or her overall personality that doesn't exactly scream, "give me a mall".

I'm sorry I didn't answer the phone...there should be a designated signal for these situations...but I'm glad indecisiveness ruled over superfluous purchases. Although I would not be surprised if by now you have gone back and bought both ;)


Blogger Deb said...

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Thu Apr 20, 03:31:00 PM CDT

Blogger Deb said...

I met Jen on the train shortly after this whole incident, and she immediately asked what I bought. I replied that I almost bought a blazer, but couldn't decide on the color and nor did I really have the money. But, I also said I would likely go back and buy it anyways. She replied with "Well, you can always use blazers." This is why I call you; everyone else (except maybe Jules) just helps me justify it (which I like most of the time). Of course, Jen has made me lie to her sister for her about clothes/shoes she has bought since we’ve been in school, so that she wouldn't get a lecture. So I guess she really may not be the best example.

Thu Apr 20, 03:47:00 PM CDT

Blogger The Becca Machine said...

what ru talking about. i always yell at u about ur purchases. actually that's not true b/c i held my mouth in when over the weekend u told me how u spent $73 at gap. and now u have returned to already go shopping for another item. i'd agree with hillary that u have an addiction. u just need to STAY AWAY from shopping areas and only go when u absolutely need something and then only go with either me or hillary so that u only buy that item. cuz god knows u cant help urself when ur at a mall.

Thu Apr 20, 05:27:00 PM CDT


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