Wednesday, April 27, 2005


So what's new? Not much. Similar to the end of every semester I find that the current and following week would be much less stressful if I had been paying more attention in class and kept up with the readings. Eh, what are you gonna do? Just gives me all the more reason to go on a multiple day drinking binge following the Grad. ceremony. Starting at Bootlegger's with a diminutive interruption by a family get together and then continuing the following week by hitting up every place I can find with a special.

Deb, how bout that Fifth of May Party and Northend Pub Crawl?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana?

My cousin's new paint job!

I was a little skeptical when I first heard the paint colors of choice but I think the poster really ties it all together!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

On The Way

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Kinda Cool

Here's a link for a dictionary for slang.

Coincidence, I Think Not

1) While talking w/ jules about sandy, one of jule's friends said, "oh I know a sandy from spfld." We dismissed it as an insignificant coincidence. Well then after more discussion she was like "wait, I know that sandy, my mom was her mom's maid of honor and I knew her from cdale!"

2) The next day while riding in the car after camping someone asked jules' friend #2, dan, "so where are you from" Dan replied Glen Ellyn, Illinois. I say, "I have a friend from there, Elizabeth Baker" not expecting him to know her or care. When Dan says, "yeah we went to highschool together!"

3) There was a wild turkey in my back yard last night the size of big bird himself. My mom tried to sneak around the house to get a good picture but he flew off into the horizon never to be seen again. All those years in slueth school did not pay off mom. I don't think he knew any of my friends though.

what a wacky, wild, crazy, small world