Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Come on Ride the "Micro Train"

Well I am in training right now. I use excel ALL the time at work and found out there are a lot of things I have no idea about. Macros?? What are those. Anyway, people at work told me to take the level I class cause they got a lot out of it. Well I've been here an hour and a half and so far nothing. Hopefully it will pick up after lunch or she'll let us out early. It's supposed to go to five!!

Hey becca I posted anonymously on your blog cause it wouldn't let me sign in. I still want that mac and cheese. How did you hween end up? :S


Anonymous Anonymous said...

becca still isn't in the best mood. i'm also realizing that i don't know as much about excel as i thought either. o, and i can't remember my password, so i'm anonymous too.

Tue Nov 01, 02:18:00 PM CST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Macros! I get to get to go to an Excel course this month and learn all this stuff I didn't know about either. Fun fun!

-Mandy (I can't remember my password either!)

Wed Nov 02, 02:39:00 PM CST


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