Thursday, October 06, 2005

I don't jump on the band wagon, I just end up there.

Yay Marathon Weekend Is Here. And what better way to kick off Marathon Weekend then to get hammered at a couple co-worker's housewarming party before my Marathon running guests arrive. I can't believe I have to work on Monday. Don't they know it is Marathon Weekend. I thought it was a national holiday or something. Well I don' t really have anything to say. I'm exhausted and think I'm getting sick so am going to bed. Only wrote this to keep up w/ Deb's quota.

Oh today I bought two pairs of shoes and a bunch of winter clothes. It made me feel better after yellow team's awful performance in flag football. Personally I think I am the reason we lost. Hopefully none of my co-workers noticed.



Blogger Deb said...

Go Cardinals!

Mon Oct 10, 12:45:00 AM CDT


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