Make it a Jaguar w/ GPS
Here's a pic of a turtle from the reptile guy that came to the co. picnic sat.
My weekend was pretty good. Fri went to napperville w/ bake and jenny, sat had the picnic. That was a lot more fun then I expected. They of course had free alcohol. My cookies were all eaten but didn't win anything. Sat night Jenny, me, a girl I work w/ and her bf went to a place called on the border. Then Jenny and I just went back to her apt cause we thought we were going to spew from fullness. Sun I ended up driving to the museum at 4 looked around till 5:30 when it closed and then went for a bike ride on the Lake shore trail. I liked the bike ride better then the museum which was exactly the same as I remembered it from my childhood-boring and old. I still remember the same exhibits from when I was little. The info about how the heart works and the stuff about...oh whatever it wasjust boring. After I got back from the trail it was time for the Body Works exhibit (which was the whole pt. of going to the museum) It was pretty cool but it was hard to imagine it was real human body parts I kinda just felt like I was looking at a human anatomy book in 3D. Plus they wouldn't even let you take pics. of anything!! Are you kidding me!? Then I got lost driving around the southern tip of the city. I think I was extremly close to Indiana. Luckily there weren't too many people out but I was getting pretty freaked. The reason I ended up in this direction was cause I was out of gas and that was where the closest station was. A homeless man made me let him pump it for me so I had to give him $1 when I only had $8 to begin w/ Luckily w/ a little help from deb and the internet I made it back up north to 55. I think my next hybrid is going to have a GPS.
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