Saturday, November 12, 2005

Congrats To Mindy

Yay, Mindy has gotten an interview lined up for next week. I hope it goes great Mindy!!

Nothing too interesting has happened lately w/ me. Other then running into an old friend from college. It is a pretty spectacular coincidance actually. I will explain in case Becca and Mandy read this cause I think everyone else knows.
Halloween weekend when I was leaving a costume store in Boys Town I heard someone say my name! I look up and it is a guy I went to IC with that I haven't seen or talked to in over 3 years!! CRAZY ASS SHIT! Turns out he is living in a burb 10 mins. away. He grew up in the area so is super excited about showing me around and he says his friends never want to do anything exciting so now I guess I won't have to go to stuff by myself all the time! Wed we went to a swing dance lesson at a bar in Nville and last night we went to a wine tasting and then to a open bar party at northbeach (the place I've been playing indoor sand vb). It was a pretty good time. Baker and Quali met us out and there was a group of people from my office. Baker's friend Quali is so hot one of the gay guys said she could probably turn him straight!!

Kay all I got for now.


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