Monday, January 16, 2006


Now that I recall the company that joined us later that night on the bus I am really second guessing my decision to buy a CTA Plus Card. I think I saw public transportation at its finest. Just for a taste of it I will mention a bit about one man: Wasted, loud, wondering creepy eyes, toothless smile, rolling cigarettes, VERY WIDE unzipped zipper, making disturbing noises. Melissa pulled out her maps and list of possibilities for food. All I needed to hear was “margarita” to decide on Manantas Mexican Restaurant. We got there at about 9 and I briefly caught a glimpse of one of those all too familiar rainbow poles that let you know where you are. I acknowledged it but my thought process didn’t take my brain to what this next situation was going to be like. I had to pee so I made a bee-line to the latrine. When I got back Melissa made a comment that there was an abundance of hot guys here, I hadn’t noticed what she was referring to. I looked around and we were quite possibly the only girls in the place. Um, oooooooh yeeeeeah. Ok whatever. We ordered the margaritas as a few cross dressers walked by and waited for our table. The food was Muy Excellente!


Blogger Deb said...

Kate has some bad stories about the bus too. so far, i really haven't had any major problems. however, i tend to avoid public transportation after 10 or so.

you shouldn't knock boys town. it really isn't so bad. i haven't been to any of the bars yet though.

Mon Jan 16, 11:43:00 PM CST


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